Friday, November 18, 2011


I’m reading Nighty Nightmare. So far the Monroes went off camping in the woods. They saw smoke filling the air so they went over to see what is was. There were people there and they went to see who it was. At the campsite there were two men Bud and Spud. Also there was a dog named Dawg. Dawg took Howie, Harold, and Chester out someplace in woods. Dawg took them to a very old house.

Chester the cat loves to read. He is very smart and can be sort of feisty. Harold is a dog. Harold is old and can have some fun. Howie is a dachshund puppy. He is full of energy. He is always getting in trouble.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Miss Colleen

  The Knox County Career Center has a wonderful program that allows high school seniors that are interested in education to come into the classroom and experience working with students. Our classroom was blessed to have a former student of mine, Colleen Ricard. Two days a week, for a month, Miss Colleen was able to be an extra hand and support to the students in room 22.

  Miss Colleen worked one-on-one with students, she drilled multiplication facts, read with reading groups, and observed social studies presentations. She checked in homework, morning work and was able to read aloud to our class on two occasions. Miss Colleen also shared with us a really fun game to get to know others! 

  We want to wish Miss Colleen the best in all of her future endeavors. We appreciate her being in our classroom. She will be missed!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank You Veterans

Today is Veterans Day in America. It is a national holiday and a day we celebrate and honor the men and women who have served in one of the branches of the military. 
The following video was created by the Department of Veteran Affairs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Blob Game


In gym we played a game called The Blob. It was fun. This is how you play.  How you play is that you have two taggers and when you get tagged you link arms with the person who tagged you. When someone is the last un-linked you start over. The rules are if someone says they tagged you they tagged you. You win if you are the last person untagged.                    

I choose to write about the blob game because I thought it was a good game. It has good cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is what we are working on in gym. I think anyone can play it. Personally I love that game.