Destination Imagination is fun for people who are creative and like to be with friends. This year, I had a D. I. team. We were to choose a challenge: either to build something (there were certain things you would have to build, such as a structure to hold as many golf balls as possible) or to perform a skit (also having to follow some rules, depending on what challenge your team decides on). We chose to do a performance, and it was supposed to be a movie trailer. We had to make our own costumes, story, characters, backdrop (s), and soundtrack. Our story was about a girl who lived in England and was going to Ireland for boarding school. She wears the color only made for royalty, which is purple, by mistake to Ireland. When she gets there, she is thrown in jail with a slave who stood up for her. Together, they break out of jail, but just before they can escape, some mean jailers find them. They start chasing the girls, and after a while, the Irish girl slams into a wall by accident. The preview ends with the girls thinking they are caught.
At the tournament, we had an instant challenge and a central challenge. We did the Central challenge first, which was the preview/skit and then we did the instant challenge. The instant challenge was when the judges give us some type of building or drama project, without us knowing what it was beforehand. I’m not allowed to tell what the instant challenge was until DI stops after the global tournament, but I can tell you that Ms. Frackman was our judge. We won second place in the instant challenge and I think we won fourth place in the central challenge. If you like to use your imagination, you’ll love DI.