Friday, September 21, 2012


   I’m having lots of fun in art the past two weeks.  We’re drawing castles! I’m making mine big and tall. It`s going to be great. Everybody’s castles are looking really good too.  Our art teacher Mr. Lane is fun… that`s what makes art so fun.  Mr. Lane is teaching us all about different parts of the castles.  Some of the castle parts are: arrow lope and a keep. There are all different types of castles in the world.

   Art is one of my favorite subjects.  I like to draw, a lot. Mr. Lane said I am ready to draw my final draft. It`s going to be bigger and better. There’s going to be more excitement and pop too. The most fun thing about drawing our castles is the different details that we’re putting on our castles.

1 comment:

  1. I have also enjoyed drawing castles in art class. Mr. Lane is a fun and cool teacher.

    Your Mysterious Classmate,
    Cpt. Soap 09
